Inbal Abir
Dance Artist
The passion to make was always there but always hand in hand with fear and confusion.
In the past years I have been busy with understanding and refining what it is that I am interested in while making and what I want to communicate through my work.
Relationship was the answer to both questions.
My work deals with the conditions of human beings and our society. Through the work I question relationships between people, between countries and inside ones self.
Equally important was how I am making. This research is still in progress.
My questions are:
How to lead a process? both on the professional and human level .
What is the right preparation (warm up) to a rehearsal and does it differ between different creations?
How much space I leave for the creation to appear? How much of it already exsists in my mind/ body and only needs to be transformed and translated by the performers?

* Tussen Ons (2015)
Performers: Jefta Tanate, Inbal Abir
Music: Tonio Geugelin
¨Between stimulus and response
there is a space. In that space is our
power to choose our response.
In our response lie our growth and our
Viktor E. Frankl
* TREADMILL (2014)
Research: Arina Lannoo, Anna Fransen
Perfromance: Aida Guiro Salinas, Inbal Abir
Music: Steve Reich
TREADMILL- Paradox of a conflict
* Entangled (2012)
Sally O'Neill,Elisa D'Amico,Lana Copodra
Music: Steve Reich
"To recognize others outside of her, but all the same to keep them within"
Three women are listening, speaking, interrupting and supporting each other.
In the space between the bodies, where do they meet?